TV Sala de Imprensa – Dr. Sergio Redo by Susy Shikoda | Jan 6, 2018 | Publishing, TV & Radio | 0 comments TV interview on ‘Sala de Imprensa’ with President of the Association of Professional Journalists, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Dr. Sergio Redo. (aired 08-2018)
Programa Gente que Fala – Zancope by Susy Shikoda | Jan 6, 2018 | Publishing, TV & Radio | 0 comments Radio talk show interview on ‘Gente que Fala’ with journalist, Zancope Simoes (aired 11-08-2018)
TV Guarulhos – Cidade em Debate Program by Susy Shikoda | Jul 8, 2017 | Publishing, TV & Radio | 0 comments Interview with Ms. Kassia Franco on the program ‘Cidade em Debate’ on TV Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil (aired 7-08-2017)